Selected work

Exhibitions ——————————————

Pink Moon, Group Show, The Revelator Glasgow, June 2024

Pethau Bychain, Group Show, Oriel Carn, Caernarfon, March 2024

Chwa o awyr iach, Group Show, Pontio Bangor, Summer 2023

y sws mewn pinc, Solo Show, Arcade/Campfa, Cardiff, February – March 2023

Pendramwnwgl, Group Show, The Pipe Factory, Glasgow, Dec 2022

y sws mewn pinc, Master of Letters in Fine Art Practice Degree Show, Glasgow School of Art, Aug 2022

Exhibition of artwork + soundpiece for Cardiff’s map of independent bookshops, Arcade/Campfa Sept 2022

ROOM, group exhibition of mlitt graduates, Glasgow July 2022

24:24 Y Stamp x Literature Wales Oct 2020

Exhibition and live performance, 9 LINES, GSA Students Union Nov 2019

Writing —————————————————

Correspondences - Robida 10, August 2024 / Radio Cymru’s ‘Poet of the Month’, April 2024 / Foreword for Hi/Hon, Anthology of Welsh language Writing by Women, February 2024 / Welsh + English companion pieces for Mary Lloyd Jones’ Retrospective, Aberystwyth Arts Centre January 2023 / Poem in Ffosfforws 3, Cyhoeddiadau’r Stamp, March 2023 / Response to Cerys Hafana, Klust Music Zine December 2022 / Extract from y sws mewn pinc, ‘Takeaway’ Zine Cardiff, Autumn 2022 / y sws mewn pinc, Pamphlet of writing to coincide with Mlitt Degree Show, Aug 2022 / at at at (mwnwgl) Jerwood Online July 2022 / Review of Y Lle Celf, National Eisteddfod for Barn Aug 2021 / A feminist reading of the mabinogi legends, O’r Pedwar Gwynt Feb 2020  (+ Bloomers cultural magazine) April 2020 / Review of Seren Morgan Jones’ exhibition, O’r Pedwar Gwynt Summer 2019

Editing and Curating ——————————————

Co-editing an anthology of writing by female Welsh language writers with Honno Press – Winter 2022

Curating a weekend on creative translation for Arts Council Wales’ Welsh Language Consortium, November 2022

Co-curating Cynfas, Amgueddfa Cymru’s journal of writing on visual art from their collection – July 2022

mwnwgl – welsh language art journal on mistranslation + slippages Summer 2021

Y Stamp magazine and website 2019 and 2020

‘Llygaid / Suilé / Eyes’ – organising and curating a one-day creative collaboration for Y Stamp, collaborating with Bloomers Ireland. Welsh and Irish artists co-created in a digital lock-in during lockdown July 2020

‘hen bapur newydd’ and ‘dim eto’; Art Zines for Y Stamp Aug + Nov 2019

Performance ——————————————

Blobus, Pontio Bangor, September 2023

Yn y dechreuad, Performance in a church in Malta, April 2023

Langwej Tension (Spoken word with English + Swedish interruptions), Baked Beans on The Doorstep, The Old Hairdressers, Glasgow, February 2023

Neoni Poeni (Welsh and Scottish Gaelic experimental conversation), Hidden Door Festival, Edinburgh, June 2022

Bwa Bwa, Glasgow School of Art Mlitt Degree Show / The flying duck, Glasgow / Devil’s Brief Club, Moffat / Shrill Glasgow, Summer 2022 -

Upcoming ———————————————

Live spoken-word performances at Y Lle Celf, Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Pontypridd, August 2023

Transpoesie Poetry Festival, Brussels, September 2024

Education ———————————————-

Bangor University: Phd on Paul Davies and the Beca Group: Jan 2024 - / GSofA: Mlitt [Distinction] in Fine Art Practice (Drawing): Sept 2019 - Sept 2022 (paused due to pandemic) / Cardiff Uni: BA [First Class Hons] Welsh and Philosophy: Sept 2015 – June 2018 / UWTSD: Foundation Diploma [Merit] in Art & Design: Sept 2014 – May 2015 / Ysgol Gyfun Bryntawe:  5 A Levels [A*, 4A’s]